Game Online Terbaru 2013 : Lune Of Eden Indonesia Closed Beta

Diposting oleh Admin on Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Sejak pengumuman kehadiran Lune of Eden Indonesia, banyak pembaca yang menantikan berita terbaru game online Indonesia tentang masuknya periode closed beta. Nah, hari ini ada kabar baik dari publisher, menurut siaran pers info yang sudah tersebar, game online veteran Teragamez akan menggelar closed beta pada tanggal 10 Juni 2013.

Tahap uji coba LOE akan berlangsung selama 7 hari. Sebagaimana disebutkan di atas, 10 Juni 2013 dipilih oleh publisher sebagai tanggal bagus CBT dan akan berakhir pada tanggal 17 Juni 2013.

Jadi, bagi Anda yang belum melakukan registrasi akun game Lune of Eden Indonesia, silakan kunjungi situs resminya di Lune of Eden Indonesia Saat ini Anda juga dapat men-download (download) game client melalui website resmi mereka (klien total: 2.2GB). Bagi Anda yang ingin meminta DVD bisa juga dari situs resmi.

Untuk memeriahkan fase tes ini, tim Lune Eden Indonesia juga telah menyiapkan 6 kejadian menarik yang bisa Anda ikuti seperti oin CBT Event, Share your character, LOE bug finder, Save your nickname for OBT, The Lucky 100 Salvatos, dan Arena Time!! 

Game Online, Lime Oddysey

Diposting oleh Admin on Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Statistik game online di Indonesia kian naik terus dari tahun ke tahun. Beberapa developer game online luar tengah berlomba dan berkompetisi untuk menghadirkan game buatan mereka ke Indonesia. Hal tersebut tidak berbeda dengan publisher game lokal yang terus berlomba menjadi publisher nomor satu di tanah air. Selain Kingdom Under Fire II, salah satu game baru yang dikabarkan akan segera masuk ke tanah air adalah Lime Oddysey.

Berbeda dengan Kingdom Under Fire II yang menghadirkan detail grafis tinggi, Lime Oddysey merupakan game online yang cocok untuk kamu yang menyukai tampilan unyu khas anime. Game ini sudah pernah dirilis oleh Aeria Games untuk kawasan Amerika Utara. Lime Oddysey menghadirkan 3 buah race yang bisa dimainkan, setiap race akan memiliki job masing-masing. Ketiga race tersebut adalah Human, Truga, dan Pam.

Job pada game ini terbagi dalam 2 kategori, yang pertama terfokus untuk memproduksi barang, sedangkan yang kedua lebih terfokus pada pertarungan. Untuk saat ini, kami belum mendapatkan informasi yang lebih banyak mengenai game ini, namun akan kami update jika mendapatkannya. Oh ya, satu lagi, publisher yang bakal menghadirkan game ini ke Indonesia adalah satu publisher yang sama dengan publisher yang akan menghadirkan Kingdom Under Fire II.

Wah, jadi semakin penasaran ya. Siapakah publisher tersebut?

Sumber: game 8 indo

Game Online baru, Clash of Gods

Diposting oleh Admin

Jumat kemarin, Qeon Interactive mengumumkan game online terbarunya yang berbasis PvP. Yaitu, Clash of Gods.
Setelah sebelumnya sukses merilis Puzzle Kingdom ke Indonesia, QEON kembali menyusun rencana mereka untuk menghadirkan game mmorpg hasil garapan developer asal Cina G-bits tersebut ke tanah air pada tahun ini juga.

Fitur utama yang bakal dihadirkan oleh Clash of Gods adalah fitur PvP sekaligus PK. Tidak hanya itu, kualitas grafis yang bakal hadir di game ini pun tidak tanggung-tanggung, dengan detail grafis yang sangat tinggi, game ini akan memanjakan mata siapa saja pun yang memainkannya. Selain fitur diatas, hadir juga fitur dungeon yang bisa dijelajahi oleh semua gamer, pada dungeon-dungeon ini gamer akan berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan item-item rare sesuai dengan job yang mereka pakai.

Yang membedakan game ini dengan mmorpg lainnya adalah perbedaan bentuk aura yang muncul ketika sebuah equip ditempa. Jika pada mmorpg lainnya, warna aura senjata kalian akan muncul ketika kalian menempanya, maka di Clash of Gods kalian akan menemukan Aura-aura tersendiri dari Job-job yang kalian pilih. Pada game ini, setiap tempaan pada tingkat +6, +9 dan +12 akan menghasilkan warna aura berbeda.

Selain dari semua fitur diatas, Clash of Gods juga akan menghadirkan mount system yang sudah tidak asing lagi di mata kita semua, khususnya penggemar game mmorpg. Berbeda bentuk, berbeda pula kemampuannya, berikut beberapa penampakan mount yang ada di game Clash of Gods.

Sumber: game 8 indo

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin on Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

From the dust of a gold mine to the dirt of a saloon, Call of Juarez® Gunslinger is a real homage to the Wild West tales. Live the epic and violent journey of a ruthless bounty hunter on the trail of the West’s most notorious outlaws. Blurring the lines between man and myth, this adventure made of memorable encounters unveils the untold truth behind some of the greatest legends of the Old West.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Portal 2 [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin on Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Portal 2 draws from the award-winning formula of innovative gameplay, story, and music that earned the original Portal over 70 industry accolades and created a cult following.
The single-player portion of Portal 2 introduces a cast of dynamic new characters, a host of freshpuzzle elements, and a much larger set of devious test chambers. Players will explore never-before-seen areas of the Aperture Science Labs and be reunited with GLaDOS, the occasionally murderous computer companion who guided them through the original game.
The game’s two-player cooperative mode features its own entirely separate campaign with a unique story, test chambers, and two new player characters. This new mode forces players to reconsider everything they thought they knew about portals. Success will require them to not just act cooperatively, but to think cooperatively.

Game Online: 3 Online Indonesia Gemscool

Diposting oleh Admin on Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Ada kabar baik nih! Ingatkah game The Heaven of Three Kingdoms yang akan dirilis di Indonesia oleh PT. Epin (ZBOX). Sejak pemberitaan itu, dari pihak publisher, PT. Epin (ZBOX) belum menunjukan tanda kehadiran game ini selain Age of Wushu.

Nah, kabar baiknya, kemarin minggu, Publisher Gemscool secara resmi mengumumkan kehadiran game ini, di mana Nantinya akan diberi nama 3 Online Indonesia. Jangan bingung, PT. Epin (ZBOX) kelompok lain dengan PT. Kreon juga.

Jika melihat pemberitaan kontrak sebelumnya antara PT. Epin dan HanbitSoft yang dilakukan pada bulan November 08 tahun lalu (2012). Buat yang tidak tahu HanbitSoft, mereka adalah kelompok perusahaan dalam game utama yang besar seperti Aika Online, Audition, Granado Espada, Mythos, dan Hellgate.

Periode Situs resmi 3 Indonesia belum dipublikasikan Publisher Gemscool. Mudah-mudahan dalam waktu dekat ini datang kabar baik dan sangat segar dari Age of Wushu yang telah dinanti-nantikan oleh gamer Indonesia.

Bioshock Infinite [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin on Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

BioShock® Infinite is a first-person shooter like you’ve never seen. Just ask the judges from E3 2011, where the Irrational Games title won over 75 editorial awards, including the Game Critics Awards’ Best of Show. Set in 1912, players assume the role of former Pinkerton agent Booker DeWitt, sent to the flying city of Columbia on a rescue mission. His target? Elizabeth, imprisoned since childhood. During their daring escape, Booker and Elizabeth form a powerful bond — one that lets Booker augment his own abilities with her world-altering control over the environment. Together, they fight from high-speed Sky-Lines, in the streets and houses of Columbia, on giant zeppelins, and in the clouds, all while learning to harness an expanding arsenal of weapons and abilities, and immersing players in a story that is not only steeped in profound thrills and surprises, but also invests its characters with emotional ties that will continue to set the bar in gaming

System Requirement

Core i5 2.4 GHz, 2 GB RAM (4 GB RAM – Vista/7), graphic card 1 GB (GeForce GTX 560 or better), 30 GB HDD, Windows Vista/7/8, Internet connection

Size: 11.82 GB

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Ragnarok 2 Indonesia Hadir Juli Mendatang

Diposting oleh Admin on Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Ragnarok 2 Akan Hadir di Indonesia?
Akhir tahun 2012 kemarin, dunia game online heboh oleh kedatangan Ragnarok Online 2 SEA yang dipublish oleh Asiasoft. Saat itu, Asiasoft seakan membawakan sinar cerah untuk mereka yang menanti kehadiran game legendaris Ragnarok Online. Akan tetapi, sinar cerah tersebut harus pudar ketika Asiasoft memberlakukan sistem block IP.

Tentu hal tersebut langsung membawakan rasa kekecawaan  bagi penggemar game Ragnarok yang ingin memainkan game tersebut, mengingat gamer-gamer Ragnarok asal Indonesia sudah mengikuti fase beta bahkan sampai stress test.

Selang beberapa bulan kemudian, Ragnarok 2 kembali membawa harapan baru lagi. Sebuah publisher yang bernama WarpPortal resmi menghadirkan Ragnarok Online 2 (NA). Namun hal serupa terjadi kembali, Ragnarok 2 WarpPortal juga memberlakukan sistem block IP. Otomatis kedua hal tersebut diatas langsung menutup pintu gamer yang ingin memainkan game Ragnarok 2 ini.

Namun, jangan kecewa lagi karena sudah ada sebuah harapan baru untuk memainkan Ragnarok Online 2 kembali dipancarkan oleh salah satu publisher Game Online Indonesia yaitu LYTO. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, LYTO telah merilis  video teaser Ragnarok Online 2 Indonesia melalui channel resmi Youtube mereka dan Berikut situs resmi dari Ragnarok Online 2

Mari kita sambut kehadiran game legendaris ini sobat, Ragnarok Online 2 Indonesia. Selamat menunggu..

Crysis 3 [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin on Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Take total control in Crysis 3 and experience a new level of freedom in the premiere sandbox shooter of 2013. Players assume the role of Prophet as he returns to New York City; a vision of a catastrophic future driving him forward in his battle with both human and alien forces.
Crytek’s proprietary CryENGINE® has long been pushing in-game action to new levels, and in Crysis 3 you can witness the latest stage in its evolution for yourself! CryENGINE® 3 unleashes the power of the Crytek creative team and provides the foundation to advance the state of the art and deliver a visually stunning and varied gameplay experience. So whether you’re marveling at the stop-and-stare graphics, experimenting with industry-leading physics, or making sandbox choices as you stalk your enemies, the latest iteration of the CryENGINE® will leave you reassessing your expectations for the next level of gaming!

Crysis 3

Crysis 3

Crysis 3

System requirement
Quad Core 2.7 GHz, 4 GB RAM, graphic card 1 GB (GeForce GTX 560 or better), Windows Vista/7/8

Dead Island Riptide [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin

Dead Island Riptide picks up right where the original game left off, with the same four survivors, Sam B, Xian Mei, Logan Carter and Purna. Because of a tropical storm the chopper crashes. The crew land on a military ship where, due to a raging monsoon and the fact that our survivors are infected, an all-new zombie outbreak occurs onboard. This forces players to flee the ship or the ship runs aground (media reports are conflicting). The survivors end up on the island of Palanai in the South Pacific. Palanai includes the city of Henderson

System Requirement

Core 2 Duo 2.66 GHz, 4 GB RAM, graphic card 512 MB (GeForce 9600 GT or better), 7 GB HDD, Windows XP/Vista/7

password :

Dino Crisis [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin on Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

DINO CRISIS is a survival horror video game developed and published by Capcom (the same ones responsible for Resident Evil).
It features a game system similar to the Resident Evil titles that were previously released. The player controls Regina, a member of the special forces team that is sent to investigate an isolated military facility that became infested with time-displaced dinosaurs as a result of a top-secret experiment. Because the enemies in the game are dinosaurs rather than undead creatures, Capcom promoted Dino Crisis as a "survival panic" in contrast to Resident Evil's survival horror label.

Freedom Fighters [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Freedom Fighters is a third-person shooter, in which the player navigates through the streets of New York while fighting the Soviet forces. The game also contains squad-based elements, having a charisma meter. The player gains charisma by performing heroic deeds in the resistance movement against the invading forces, like capturing a base or destroying vital supplies. The more charisma that is gained, the more squad mates the character can recruit, including leaderless guerrillas and wounded Russian soldiers, up to a maximum of twelve.

Freedom Fighters uses a simple method of controlling recruits in battle. In the game, the player can command recruits by giving them simple orders such as "follow", "attack", and "defend", but in most situations, they take care of themselves. Given the terrain of New York City after the initial invasion, the Resistance usually stations its soldiers in covered positions like craters and buildings.

Fate [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin on Selasa, 30 April 2013

The time has come to take the dare--to step forward and determine your FATE. An infinite number of levels and exciting battles await you. In FATE you can play as a youthful boy or girl, always accompanied by a little dog or cat. You journey through limitless caverns, dungeons, mines, and tunnels in search of adventure. Each level is randomly generated with countless surprises, magical items, and weapons to discover. Combat more than 100 different monster types, with 400 item types in richly detailed 3D dungeon tile-sets. Gain fame by completing quests and defeating legendary creatures

Driver [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Driver (known as Driver: You Are the Wheelman in North America), is a 1999 action driving video game developed by Reflections Interactive (now known as Ubisoft Reflections).

Crazy Taxi 1 [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Crazy Taxi is a sandbox racing video game developed by Hitmaker (Sega AM3) and published by Sega.[4] It is the first game in the Crazy Taxi series. The game was first released in arcades in 1999 and was ported to the Dreamcast in 2000. Subsequently, it was ported to the PlayStation 2 and Nintendo GameCube by Acclaim in 2001, and then Microsoft Windows in 2002. The game was released on November 16, 2010 for the PlayStation Network and on November 24, 2010 for the Xbox Live Arcade. It is featured on the Dreamcast Collection. A port for the Zeebo is also planned, though no release date has been set.

Conflict: Desert Storm [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Conflict: Desert Storm lets you take charge of the best known and most feared special operations forces in the world: the elite British SAS or the US Delta Force squads. You're the best trained, best equipped and best organised Special Forces in the world. The area that has been assigned to you is yours for the taking. Seek, locate and destroy enemy targets and personnel. Create havoc and confusion throughout the enemy's lines of communication and supply. What lies before you is an opportunity in a soldier's lifetime. Take your equipment, take your training and use it well. Features included squad-based combat (both alone or co-operatively with friends), 15 missions, and scripted events.