Game Online Terbaru 2013 : Lune Of Eden Indonesia Closed Beta

Diposting oleh Admin on Senin, 27 Mei 2013

Sejak pengumuman kehadiran Lune of Eden Indonesia, banyak pembaca yang menantikan berita terbaru game online Indonesia tentang masuknya periode closed beta. Nah, hari ini ada kabar baik dari publisher, menurut siaran pers [...]

Game Online, Lime Oddysey

Diposting oleh Admin on Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Statistik game online di Indonesia kian naik terus dari tahun ke tahun. Beberapa developer game online luar tengah berlomba dan berkompetisi untuk menghadirkan game buatan mereka ke Indonesia. Hal tersebut tidak berbeda [...]

Game Online baru, Clash of Gods

Diposting oleh Admin

Jumat kemarin, Qeon Interactive mengumumkan game online terbarunya yang berbasis PvP. Yaitu, Clash of Gods.Setelah sebelumnya sukses merilis Puzzle Kingdom ke Indonesia, QEON kembali menyusun rencana mereka untuk menghadirkan [...]

Call of Juarez: Gunslinger [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin on Jumat, 24 Mei 2013

From the dust of a gold mine to the dirt of a saloon, Call of Juarez® Gunslinger is a real homage to the Wild West tales. Live the epic and violent journey of a ruthless bounty hunter on the trail of the West’s most notorious [...]

Portal 2 [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin on Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Portal 2 draws from the award-winning formula of innovative gameplay, story, and music that earned the original Portal over 70 industry accolades and created a cult following.The single-player portion of Portal 2 introduces [...]

Game Online: 3 Online Indonesia Gemscool

Diposting oleh Admin on Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

Ada kabar baik nih! Ingatkah game The Heaven of Three Kingdoms yang akan dirilis di Indonesia oleh PT. Epin (ZBOX). Sejak pemberitaan itu, dari pihak publisher, PT. Epin (ZBOX) belum menunjukan tanda kehadiran game ini [...]

Bioshock Infinite [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin on Minggu, 12 Mei 2013

BioShock® Infinite is a first-person shooter like you’ve never seen. Just ask the judges from E3 2011, where the Irrational Games title won over 75 editorial awards, including the Game Critics Awards’ Best of Show. Set [...]

Ragnarok 2 Indonesia Hadir Juli Mendatang

Diposting oleh Admin on Rabu, 08 Mei 2013

Ragnarok 2 Akan Hadir di Indonesia?Akhir tahun 2012 kemarin, dunia game online heboh oleh kedatangan Ragnarok Online 2 SEA yang dipublish oleh Asiasoft. Saat itu, Asiasoft seakan membawakan sinar cerah untuk mereka yang [...]

Crysis 3 [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin on Sabtu, 04 Mei 2013

Take total control in Crysis 3 and experience a new level of freedom in the premiere sandbox shooter of 2013. Players assume the role of Prophet as he returns to New York City; a vision of a catastrophic future driving [...]

Dead Island Riptide [Repack]

Diposting oleh Admin

Dead Island Riptide picks up right where the original game left off, with the same four survivors, Sam B, Xian Mei, Logan Carter and Purna. Because of a tropical storm the chopper crashes. The crew land on a military ship [...]

Dino Crisis [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin on Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

DINO CRISIS is a survival horror video game developed and published by Capcom (the same ones responsible for Resident Evil). It features a game system similar to the Resident Evil titles that were previously released. The [...]

Freedom Fighters [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Freedom Fighters is a third-person shooter, in which the player navigates through the streets of New York while fighting the Soviet forces. The game also contains squad-based elements, having a charisma meter. The player [...]

Fate [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin on Selasa, 30 April 2013

The time has come to take the dare--to step forward and determine your FATE. An infinite number of levels and exciting battles await you. In FATE you can play as a youthful boy or girl, always accompanied by a little dog [...]

Driver [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Driver (known as Driver: You Are the Wheelman in North America), is a 1999 action driving video game developed by Reflections Interactive (now known as Ubisoft Reflections). Link download Driver [Full Versio [...]

Crazy Taxi 1 [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Crazy Taxi is a sandbox racing video game developed by Hitmaker (Sega AM3) and published by Sega.[4] It is the first game in the Crazy Taxi series. The game was first released in arcades in 1999 and was ported to the Dreamcast [...]

Conflict: Desert Storm [Full Version]

Diposting oleh Admin

Conflict: Desert Storm lets you take charge of the best known and most feared special operations forces in the world: the elite British SAS or the US Delta Force squads. You're the best trained, best equipped and best organised [...]